Script 19.11 Checkout

title home page view the prints view your cart

Thank you for your order. You will be notified when the items ship.

© 2014 Copyright...
<?php # Script 19.11 - checkout.php
// This page inserts the order information into the table.
// This page would come after the billing process.
// This page assumes that the billing process worked (the money has been taken).

// Set the page title and include the HTML header:
$page_title = 'Order Confirmation';
include ('includes/header.html');

// Assume that the customer is logged in and that this page has access to the customer's ID:
$cid = 1; // Temporary.

// Assume that this page receives the order total:
$total = 178.93; // Temporary.

require (CONNECT_OOP); // Connect to the database.

// Turn autocommit off:
mysqli_autocommit($link, FALSE);

// Add the order to the orders table...
$q = "INSERT INTO sc_orders (customer_id, total) VALUES ($cid, $total)";
$r = mysqli_query($link, $q);
if (mysqli_affected_rows($link) == 1) {

	// Need the order ID:
	$oid = mysqli_insert_id($link);
	// Insert the specific order contents into the database...
	// Prepare the query:
	$q = "INSERT INTO sc_order_contents (order_id, print_id, quantity, price) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
	$stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, $q);
	mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'iiid', $oid, $pid, $qty, $price);
	// Execute each query; count the total affected:
	$affected = 0;
	foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $pid => $item) {
		$qty = $item['quantity'];
		$price = $item['price'];
		$affected += mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt);

	// Close this prepared statement:

	// Report on the success....
	if ($affected == count($_SESSION['cart'])) { // Whohoo!
		// Commit the transaction:
		// Clear the cart:
		// Message to the customer:
		echo '<p>Thank you for your order. You will be notified when the items ship.</p>';
		// Send emails and do whatever else.
	} else { // Rollback and report the problem.
		echo '<p>Your order could not be processed due to a system error. You will be contacted in order to have the problem fixed. We apologize for the inconvenience.</p>';
		// Send the order information to the administrator.

} else { // Rollback and report the problem.


	echo '<p>Your order could not be processed due to a system error. You will be contacted in order to have the problem fixed. We apologize for the inconvenience.</p>';
	// Send the order information to the administrator.


include ('includes/footer.html');