Script 1.8 Numbers


You are purchasing 30 eggplants at a cost of $ 1.95 each.
With tax, the total comes to $ 62.16.

Happy Parmigiana!

#	Script	1.8	-	numbers.php
//	Set	the	variables:
$quantity = 30;
$item = 'eggplant';
$item .= ($quantity>1)?'s':'';
$price = 1.95; //individual price
$currency = '$ '; //currency symbol
$taxrate = .0625; // MASS state sales tax.

//	Calculate the total:
$total = $quantity * $price;
$total = $total + ($total * $taxrate);   
// Calculate and add the tax.

//	Format the total:
$total = number_format ($total, 2);

//	Print the results:
echo '<p>You are purchasing <b>' . $quantity . '</b> <b>'.$item.'</b> at a cost of <b>'.$currency . $price . '</b> each.<br /> With tax, the total comes to <b>'.$currency . $total . '</b>.</p>';
echo '<p>Happy Parmigiana!</p>';